Club Ride Notifications

The Club Rides are announced on the members only TeamApp site: SaddleDrunk CC and use of a private WhatsApp group. There is also a “SaddleDrunk CC Strava club”. Fully paid up members of SaddleDrunk CC will be invited to join the respective sites and applications.

How enable Strava e-mail notifications

Strava e-mail notifications settings

Strava e-mail notifications settings

In order to receive the Strava event notifications, a Strava account is required and Club event e-mail notifications - as a minimum - must be enabled within your Strava settings. (See example.)

Please note that these settings are not Club specific and will apply to all the Strava clubs that you are a member.

With Strava notifications enabled, you will receive e-mails from Strava when a new Club ride is posted. When accepting the invite - “I’m in” - the event organiser (and other Club members) know who to expect on the ride. The organiser will may even wait for you if you are running a few minutes late; a post-ride coffee is always suitable compensation in those circumstances.

Rider Safety

All riders are reminded that they are responsible for their own safety, individuals take part in any group activities at their own risk. We strongly urge all riders to obtain appropriate 3rd party insurance as a minimum, British Cycling can provide this.

The Club recommends that all riders should carry identification on them, which includes an emergency contact name and emergency contact number as well as any medical conditions that paramedics should be aware of in the event of an accident. 

It should be noted that no liability shall be attached to SaddleDrunk CC (including its officials and members) for any injury, loss or damage suffered. 

Highway Code

All cyclist MUST obey the law. This is set out in the Highway code here:

Rules for cyclists (59 to 82)
Rule 163 sets out overtaking (1.5m)

We ride two abreast at all times unless instructed otherwise by the Ride Leader. The Highway Code Rule 66 states:

”never ride more than two abreast, and ride in single file on narrow or busy roads and when riding round bends”

Always adhere to the Ride Leader’s instructions, as to when to pair-up or ride single file.

On the Road - hand signals

Rather than consume space here, these links contain useful details for hand signals:

Road Cycling UK
Prudential Ride London

Here are two British Cycling Race and Ride Smart videos covering communicating in a bunch and safety on the road.

Clear communication with other riders is key to safe bunch riding. Here we take you through how to communicate with others while racing.
Effective communication and consideration will help keep you safe while out riding on open roads. It is very rare that you will ride on closed roads, so learning how to ride with awareness of other road users is important. Keep yourself safe by giving yourself space while also offering consideration to other road users.

British Cycling website

Following on from the above British Cycling (BC) videos, we should mention that there’s a wealth of information on the British Cycling website. For example, here are BC’s Top 10 tips for Riding in a group.

Bike Check

And finally, a couple of useful links to check that your bike is safe to ride.

It is essential to make sure your bike is safe to ride before every adventure. We take a look at the "M Check" method which is easy to remember and ensures you are ready for a safe and enjoyable ride.
Before you start a race, you need to know that your bike is in good order. There's nothing worse than having great legs only to be let down by a simple mechanical, so here we run through some quick checks to do on race day.